Monday, March 1, 2010

I'm moving...

My blog that is. Due to the fact that some undesirable people now have access to what is supposed to be a safe haven for me to vent and just get my feelings out. I'm done talking about them, however, I do feel the need to close all sources of gossip, or whatever you want to call it. This is MY place to say what I want to say. Blogger is hard to filter the readers once they have the address, so for now at least, I'm moving over to a blog. Over there I will be able to password protect my blog. Fear not, those of u who I actually want reading it, I will give u the password, just shoot me a message , leave a comment here, or on the new blog's first non-protected post. New blog here!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Yes, I *AM* a lemming!

Since everybody else in my blog reader is doing it, then shouldn't I? Here is mine:



What is your salad dressing of choice? caesar or italian

What is your favorite sit-down restuarant? Logans Steakhouse

What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Chick-Fil-A or Arby's

What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? cereal

What are your pizza toppings of choice? pepperoni and sausage

How many televisions are in your house? 3

What color cell phone do you have? silver


Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right

Have you ever had anything removed from your body? wisdom teeth

Have you ever been knocked unconscious? No

Have you ever fainted? No


If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? probably not

If you could change your name, what would you change it to? it's fine as is

How many pairs of flip flops do you own? oh goodness! more than a dozen

Last person you talked to? Brad


Season? spring

Holiday? Christmas

Day of the week? Saturday

Month? May

Color? blue

Drink? raspberry lemonade

Alcoholic? Moscato


Missing someone? always

What are you listening to? random commercial on TV

What are you watching? Armageddon

Worrying about? not much right now

What's the last movie you saw? Gamer

Do you smile often? Yes

If you could change your eye color what would it be? make my hazel look more green

What's on your wish list for your birthday? still so far away, ask me in a few months!

Can you do a chin-up? yeah, i dont think so!!

Does the future make you more nervous or excited? Both

Have you been in a car wreck? Yes

Have you caused a car wreck? no

Do you have an accent? not that im aware of

Last time you cried? hmmm, been awhile, a sad movie i think

Plans tonight? veggin out with some Desparate Houswives =)

Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? no, not yet at least

Name three things you bought yesterday? Zaxby's, ankle brace, bleach

Have you met someone who changed your life? of course, several!

For the better or worse? depends on which person we're talking about

How did you bring in the New Year? at a bar

Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Yes

What songs do you sing in the shower? whatever is stuck in my head

Have you held hands with someone today? no

Who was the last person you took a picture of? Brad

Are most of the friends in your life new or old? Old

Do you like pulpy orange juice? yep

Last time you ate peanut butter and jelly? last week

What were you doing at 12 a.m. last night? playing "Fact or Crap" with Brad, Chris, Tom, Jon and Kim

What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? wow, im really hungry already

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Some good news. Drs appt was good for once. I have a follie on the left measuring at 17mm, (they want it at 18+mm to trigger). So I had to do one more giant needle shot today, which, by the way are much less painful when Brad does them, go figure. Then I trigger tomorrow AM! I can't tell you how happy I am to finally get some good news from them! Course the *kinda* bad news is they wanted me to come in on the 5th for blood work to confirm ovulation, but we'll be in Vegas the 2nd-9th. Soooo, we wont be able to confirm anything. But I do still temp, so I should know if I do or not. Then I got in for a pg test on the 12th. So keep all your crossables crossed that this is the last cycle we do any of this BS. Im glad we'll be in Vegas for the 2ww, hopefully it will help time fly by, and I won't have the time or energy to stress about it!

Monday, February 22, 2010


I went to the Dr's appt today. The drive up there was terrible it was raining super hard, and the interstate was crawling. But I did survive the drive. The actual appt was not so great either. Dr says things are not as far along as she wants. Now we will double the dose for the injections, no big deal right? Right, except, we need to give them in the muscle not sub q(just under the skin), which means not in the belly fat, but in the ass or thigh, again no big deal. But wait there's more, I also can no longer use the nice small 27g pin needle, nooo, i have to use the giant inch and a half long 23g needle, in the muscle, ALL the way in. Yikes! Needless to say I was NOT looking forward to that in any way shape or form. But I did it. Myself. In the front of my thigh. It hurt. A LOT. Two more of them, and i go back to the Dr on Thurs. At least the needles wont get bigger! But here's a pic for comparison, nice small 27g on left, and big painful 23g (which is three times longer by the way) on the right. Enjoy =)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Proud of myself!

I gave myself my own shot today! Brad is out shooting with a bunch of friends, so I figured rather than wait till he got home and do it with a bunch of people in the house, I would just do it myself. It wasn't bad at all, I thought I might psych myself out about it, but, nope! So, one more shot tomorrow and then back to the RE. Wish me luck =)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Just gets better

I guess now that I have managed to drag you all into the drama, I should at least keep u updated! This was the un-friends response to my awesome friend defending me:
Denise... not only was NOTHING i posted PERSONAL in any way... but i haven't been privy to those things since i wasn't head over heels for them to be leaving...infact, her being such a huge bitch as to say "there was nothing to be missed here" when i have been the only one to take up for her when everyone around her HATED her just... See More goes to show that I have always put more into our friendship than what i got out in the long run. so yea i think i can be a little negative... and it makes me feel better, to be a bitch once in a while....
The people she's referring to "hating my guts" do not in fact hate me at all. We had a misunderstanding and took some time off. We have worked it out and I hang with them regularly. However they TRULY dislike the un-friend, and even more so after all this. I also looking for the statement I made about "nothing to be missed here[in this town]", but strangely since I never said that I can't find it anywhere. Bluhhhggggg,I so want to be done with this. The super swesome friend doesn't know how or if she will repond to the latest, she's bit in shock.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Follow up to the last post...

I truly DO have some wonderful friends, one of them posted this in response the the un-friends last status:
Maybe not my business but since you're putting it on FB...major life changes such as uprooting your family and moving rarely come without negatives but why on earth would you want to focus on those negatives instead of the positives? The negative things that a friend may have told you in confidence to help ease tensions and unsurety are better left in confidence. Don't you think?
I sent her a message to tell her how much I love her, and appreciate her support. She made my day =)